From the course: QuickBooks Online: Best Practices to Unlock Business Growth

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Prune your clients

Prune your clients

Are some clients depleting your energy? Think of it like gardening. You need to prune some plants that take over the garden in order to let some special plants shine. After this lesson, you'll be able to determine what clients you want to keep and what ones you need to find a better home for. This practice will improve your profits, your team's morale, and your capacity to add better clients. Think of the 8020 rule. Are 20% of your clients taking 80% of your time? Consider which clients don't respect your boundaries, expect responses to questions unreasonably quickly, are never happy, and take emotional energy. Next, determine the features of your perfect client. I use this system every quarter successfully and the results are enlightening. My team's ratings are based on our client's willingness to accept suggested best practices. Timely responses to our requests. Do they pay on time and will they meet monthly? Who wants a client who never pays on time or won't listen to your best…
