From the course: QuickBooks Online: Best Practices to Unlock Business Growth

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Research QBO apps

Research QBO apps

QuickBooks Online is a hub supported by a variety of other apps to make your bookkeeping easier from bill payment to time tracking to inventory management. Use apps to enhance your financial information. After this lesson, you'll be able to identify what apps to consider first to make your processes efficient. Here are some apps that I've vetted listed in order of greatest time saving for you. First, QuickBooks Online is not backed up automatically. Use rewind to automatically back it up. This app is so important. I pay for it for all my clients. When mistakes happen on QuickBooks Online by an uninformed employee or even by Intuit, the burden of correcting your financial information falls on you. Use the app Rewind to bring your QuickBooks Online back to the moment before the accident happened. Do you have to keep track of your mileage because you drive a company car or just travel a great deal? Use Mile IQ. As long as you have your phone with you and who doesn't? The app tracks where…
