From the course: Scrum: Advanced

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Advanced story-writing tips

Advanced story-writing tips

From the course: Scrum: Advanced

Advanced story-writing tips

- Writing good user stories is often considered the hardest part of Scrum. It's hard and takes a lot of practice. In the beginning of the project, you've got broad ideas of what functional and non-functional work needs to be delivered. As a result, stories that are developed early on are large and often lack details. So say your team is building a CRM tool and you may have a work item that reads, "As a salesperson, I want to manage my customer's profile so that I have accurate information." This is an epic story or epic. They're generalizations that need to be broken down into the user stories that are delivered within a sprint. It's common that stories begin their life as part of an epic, and that's okay. As the team learns more and gains clarity on the user needs, the epics are decomposed to the right user stories. This epic about a salesperson is clearly too large to be handled in a single sprint. One technique that you…
