From the course: Scrum: Advanced

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- Scrum leadership is a journey, and you can improve your own processes by putting what you've learned into action. The most impactful place to start is by working on your servant leadership skills. Practice asking questions and listening to what your team offers as solutions, instead of fixing things for them. This simple step can help your team move towards self-organization and high performance. Now that you've completed this course, I recommend you do some more reading and research on your own. Here are some of my favorite books. The first is "Drive: The Surprising Truth about What Motivates Us" by Daniel Pink. This book will help you understand how to keep your team engaged and inspired. Another is "Scrum Mastery" by Geoff Watts, and it's a great book on how to improve your skills as a Scrum master and offers additional ideas on how to step up your game. Finally, "Coaching Agile Teams" by Lyssa Adkins is one…
