From the course: Scrum: Advanced

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Detailed release planning

Detailed release planning

From the course: Scrum: Advanced

Detailed release planning

- You've got your vision, themes, and a high level roadmap for your project. You've already aligned your stories to the roadmap and now it's time to estimate what you'll be releasing when. That's what your release plan gives you, an estimate of when functionality will be delivered. When you host this meeting, you'll need the product owner, scrum master, and the whole team to attend. You'll also need any subject matter experts and key stakeholders. Your sponsor can join you if they like but they're not required. This session will probably last an hour or two. That might seem short, but you're not released planning the whole project. You're only release planning the next three to six months. I realize that may seem odd, but remember in Scrum we are focused on doing just enough and doing it just in time. We don't want to spend a lot of time looking into the future further than that window, because we simply can't accurately…
