From the course: Scrum: Advanced

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Guide team forming and storming stages

Guide team forming and storming stages

From the course: Scrum: Advanced

Guide team forming and storming stages

- There has been a standard model for the stages of group development ever since Bruce Tuckman, a psychological researcher, studied the traits of teams. These stages are recognized as occurring whether the group is waterfall, agile, or a local volunteer organization, they're basic human behaviors. The stages are forming, storming, norming, and performing. Let's talk about the first two because teams need extra leadership to get through these stages. Forming is the "getting to know you" stage. It's very "I" or "Me" focused for everyone on the team. Each person understands who they are and what they bring to the table, but they may not understand any more than that. To speed the team through this stage, the leader needs to anticipate the questions team members have and may not be willing to ask yet. As the team forms, you need to be ready to repeat the purpose and vision often. This way, the team can integrate these…
