From the course: Scrum: Advanced

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Lead from norming to performing

Lead from norming to performing

From the course: Scrum: Advanced

Lead from norming to performing

- Once you've led your team through forming and storming, you'll start to see the light at the end of the tunnel as they move into the norming stage. At this stage, the resolution of conflicts during the storming phase have resulted in a greater sense of intimacy and trust among the team members. You may continue to see an occasional outburst of conflict but they're rare. The norming stage can be identified when you see that everyone on the team is taking personal responsibility for their work and their interactions with each other. The team members have internalized their interdependence and share the same drive towards success. They become servant leaders to each other, which is a beautiful thing to see. The one danger to be aware of in this stage is that the team may enjoy this unity so much that they avoid making suggestions that may be controversial. You can save them from this trap by coaching everyone on the team…
