From the course: SwiftUI Essential Training

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Image views with SF symbols

Image views with SF symbols

- [Narrator] Another important element on a user's device is images. The image view in Swift UI has two primary ways to create images: SF symbols and assets. SF symbols are a set of images you can use as icons in your apps. From the Apple developer website, you can download the SF symbol app for Mac, to search and examine options for your symbol. So I'm going to go ahead and pull that up here, and I'm going to go search for a cart to use in my order list. And so you could see there's lots of symbols here, and you can go through all the different ones that are here, depending on what you're looking for, but it's much easier just to try to start by doing a search. So I'll hit the spyglass here, for search, and I'm just going to put in cart and I can see the possibilities for cart in here. And I'm going to use two here. I like this cart, and I like this cart circle fill. So what you're going to do is, first of all, get the…
