From the course: SwiftUI Essential Training

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Materials and shadows

Materials and shadows

- [Instructor] If you look what we did with backgrounds and zoom in a little, you'll see two small problems. The first one is the pizza name here is hard to read over that gradient. So we still got to work on that a little bit. The other problem is a little more subtle. If I go over here into my switches and turn on the color scheme to dark appearance, everything disappears. And that has to do with the way that dark works and the fact that I set up dark wrong when I did the assets. But there's another way to get around that problem and that is to work with some special backgrounds that we're going to be looking at. So I'm going to go ahead and close back that color scheme to light again so we can see what we're doing. So let's go ahead and start looking at these things and they're called materials. So let's go into MenuItemView, and down here in our ContentView from MenuItemView we have a background of sky. And I'm going to…
