From the course: SwiftUI Essential Training

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Size classes and landscape

Size classes and landscape

- [Instructor] Trying to keep things on the screen is not easy. For example, let's get rid of PhotoView here, just so it's out of the way. And when we get back, we're going to get back to our Huli Pizza Company. And if I click on any of these, we get a pretty annoying looking stuff here. I mean, this is not very usable. It's fine for most tablets. If I go over to the iPad, it'll work fine. I mean, let's just zoom it down a little bit so it fits. And fit's fine here. But even in Orientation, in the Landscape, it may have some issues. And this one's working okay. But you're going to have to think about how do you actually do things like this? How do you deal with how the layout works? And I wanted to go through just a few things to remember about this and some of it I covered originally back in environment values. And I want to go through that again. We're going to go over here to the MenuDetailView 'cause that's…
