From the course: SwiftUI Essential Training

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Three-column navigation split view

Three-column navigation split view

From the course: SwiftUI Essential Training

Three-column navigation split view

- [Instructor] There's one more variety of SplitView you might want to use, the three column SplitView. This adds one more pane, one for categories. Now I'm going to get you started on this one and you can download from the Downloads folder, MenuView3.swift. So I'm just going to drag that one right under MenuView2 here. And again, all the same things. Copy items needed, Create groups, and HuliPizza. So if I put that in, then I'm going to go in there and you can see what's going on. I'm going to close up the preview for this because there's a lot of stuff not there yet and I've got some errors as well. So we'll talk about those. And let's go ahead and add in the state variable that it says it's having problems with, and that's selectedCategory. So go ahead and hit right under here, State private var selectedCategory. And that's going to be a MenuCategory which happens to be a enum that we have available to us. That…
