From the course: What Is Generative AI?

From technical demos to professional productions - DALL-E Tutorial

From the course: What Is Generative AI?

From technical demos to professional productions

- Consider the digital cameras that first appeared on film sets in the 1990s. Initially, they were cumbersome with chunky batteries and low resolution, making them an annoyance, a challenge to use. But despite these early drawbacks, the technology rapidly advanced and today, out of the 1,000 movies that make it to the big screen, 996 of them are shot on digital cameras. This transformation highlights how persistence and innovation can turn a revolutionary idea into a mainstream tool. Well, it's exactly what's happening with generative AI. When generative AI first entered the mainstream, its early versions required technical know-how and were slightly annoying to use, just like in the early days of digital cameras. Users often had to run code from repositories and use multiple tools for different tasks to create meaningful outcomes. And this was a, I would say, a fragmented and complex experience. These early tools are known as demo tools, it means that we get to demonstrate the technical possibilities of advanced technologies, but they are still not in an ideal form for widespread adoption. These demo tools showcased AI's potential, yes, but we're not yet practical for widespread mass adoption. Over the past year, many companies have integrated generative AI into their workflows, making these technologies accessible and practical, while new professional tools emerged. For example, Adobe Photoshop introduced the Generative Fill feature that automatically fills in an empty spaces of pictures. While Adobe Premier added AI driven motion effects to videos. And when it comes to new professional tools, Wonder Dynamics will be a great example, it's an AI platform that accelerates 3D animation and visual effects. Their most famous product integrates with popular 3D tools like Autodesk's Maya, allowing artists to animate, light, and compose CG characters efficiently. Another notable example is Cuberic, a background production acceleration tool. Cuberic integrates smoothly with already existing film, animation, and VFX pipelines. It transforms 2D assets into near 3D elements for industry loved film production tools like Disguise. This provides greater camera control and requires minimal effort from creatives to incorporate various AI features into their already existing productions. The adoption of generative AI in creative industries is not just a technological evolution, but a cultural mind shift. Even though the main purpose of these tools is to unburden creatives from tedious tasks, the advent of generative AI is also opening the door for people with minimal to no technical or creative background to be able to produce artistic outcomes and this is truly, like it's truly what fascinates me the most, the widespread adoption of a creativity led human mindset, a mind shift. I can witness that we are transforming our society from a culture of consumers to the one of creators, with these tools that are democratizing creativity. Platforms that integrate AI tools are seeing an explosion of user generated content, blurring the lines between professional and amateur creators. This change, interestingly enough, is also prompting traditional media industries to adopt as the barrier to entry for high quality content production is lowered with generative AI. Well, I'd love to hear your thoughts and experiences. Please write me on LinkedIn. Have you tried using generative AI creativity tools in your free time yet, or as part of your workflow? If not, what are you waiting for?
