6 Things people with PCOS want you to know

6 Things people with PCOS want you to know

If you’re here because someone close to you has PCOS, you’re doing good. You must understand that people with PCOS do not find it easy to communicate about their struggles with the condition, which also impacts relationships and sex drive. Taking a proactive step to understand what living with PCOS looks like can be extremely beneficial.

Symptoms of PCOS can prevent them from doing many things that might be easy for people who do not have the condition. If you’re aware of their situation, try to learn more so you can hold a safe space for them while they talk about their strength.

6 Things people with PCOS want you to know

Let’s look deeper at what they might want to say to you but cannot due to a lack of understanding or stigma around PCOS.

There are no quick fixes

There are no ways that can fix PCOS quickly. The condition takes time and patience. A medical professional might take the time to diagnose the condition properly to treat their patient correctly. Even though many would love to get it fixed right away, it’s not possible. It’s a long process of lifestyle changes and doctor trips.

It’s Mentally Exhausting

Even though it is a physical health condition, PCOS can majorly impact your mental health. It can be the reason behind their stress and anxiety and cause constant mood swings that are not easy to deal with. Managing through all of this is mentally exhausting, and it can take time to figure out what works to calm the mind.

Weight Struggles

People with PCOS have to go through many weight-related issues that come with the condition. It can either be difficult to lose or gain weight. This can make someone highly insecure about themselves, and in such times, they require love and support from their loved ones for reassurance to manage weight confidently.

Infertility is scary

For those who want to get pregnant, PCOS might become a hindrance. Though it is possible to get pregnant despite PCOS, the complications are higher and can make one worry about the odds. Instead of pressuring and questioning them, understanding their condition is more critical to helping them through the process.

Change is hard

Lifestyle changes that come along with PCOS are demanding. They help to deal with the condition but cannot be adopted overnight. People with PCOS have to add a lot of new habits to their routines. This can make them appear distant or busy, but they are just trying to care for themselves by setting the boundaries their mind and body need to manage PCOS.

Read more: Lifestyle Tips to Manage PCOS

Stigma is demotivating

The stigma around PCOS is highly demotivating for individuals, making it hard for them to open up about their struggles. People are unaware of the condition, and invalidation is expected due to a lack of knowledge. These invalidations and judgments can negatively impact someone with PCOS, as they might feel scared to come out and talk about it and get the treatment their body needs.

Read more: Don’t Believe These Common PCOS Myths!


With all this going on in their minds, your support is all they desire and need to get through this challenging journey of PCOS. It is overwhelming at first. However, by educating yourself and understanding the condition, you’ll find showing up for your loved ones easier.

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