Hosted IVR


  • Cost Effective with Low Total Cost of Ownership
  • Real Time Monitoring and Analysing of Call Traffic
  • Welcome Message Feature
  • Availabilty of Call History Reports
  • Out of Office Hours Enablement
  • Professionally Recorded Audio Prompts
  • Option to Upload Audio Prompts

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Mon - Fri
10 am 6 pm

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Call us on 1800 266 1800
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[email protected]

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[email protected]

Call 1800 266 1800

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We will be happy to address your queries over a call.

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Mon - Fri
10 am 6 pm

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Call us on 1800 266 1515
or email us

[email protected]

Email us at
[email protected]

Call 1800 266 1800

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