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Why Digital Means Transformation – Setting Up Manufacturing SMEs for Growth

India’s Small and Medium manufacturers must prioritise investment in digital to boost productivity and improve margins. Without further ado, here’s why…

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Industry 4.0, also known as the Fourth Industrial Revolution, refers to the current trend of automation and data exchange in manufacturing technologies. It includes cyber-physical systems, the Internet of Things (IoT), cloud computing, and cognitive computing. This technology allows machines to communicate with each other and make decisions on their own. For example, a machine might be able to detect a problem and automatically shut down before it causes any damage.

There are many benefits to modernizing your operation, including:

  • Increased agility: With technology constantly changing, it's important to be able to adapt quickly. Industry 40 provides the flexibility needed to make changes on the fly and keep up with the competition.
  • Improved efficiency: Machines that can communicate with each other can coordinate their actions and eliminate bottlenecks in the production process. This leads to a more efficient operation overall.
  • Greater transparency: Data collected by IoT devices can be used to track every aspect of the production process, from raw materials to finished products. This allows for greater transparency and visibility into the manufacturing process.
  • Enhanced quality: By using data to monitor the production process, companies can identify and address problems quickly before they cause any damage. This leads to a higher quality product overall.
  • Reduced costs: A more efficient and transparent production process can lead to reduced costs. In addition, technology can help you automate tasks that are currently being done manually.

If you're interested in transitioning your business into the digital age, our team of experts can help. We provide enterprise manufacturing solutions that will help you take advantage of all the benefits Industry 40 has to offer. Contact us today for consulting services that will help your business thrive in the 21st century!

If you're interested in transitioning your business into the digital age, there are a few things you can do:

  • Educate yourself: The first step is to learn about Industry 40 and all of the technology that falls under it. This will help you understand the opportunities it presents for your business.
  • Assess your needs: Once you have a good understanding of Industry 40, take a look at your current operation and identify areas where you could benefit from updating your technology.
  • Create a plan: Once you know what you need to do, it's time to create a plan for how you're going to implement Industry 40 technology into your business. This should include a timeline and budget for the project.
  • Find a partner: Implementing Industry 40 technology can be complex, so it's important to find a partner who can help you with the process. We offer enterprise manufacturing solutions that can help you transition into the digital age.

Technology is constantly changing, and manufacturing companies need to be able to adapt quickly in order to stay competitive. As your manufacturing firm grows, so does the need to incorporate:

  • Real-time production analysis: In order to make decisions quickly, you need to have access to data in real-time. This data can be collected through sensors and other devices that are connected to the internet.
  • Data analysis: Once you have collected data, you need to be able to analyze it in order to find trends and identify problems. This can be done with software that is specifically designed for manufacturing data analysis.
  • Smart Manufacturing: Smart Manufacturing is the use of technology to improve the efficiency of the manufacturing process. This can be done through things like predictive maintenance and automated assembly.
  • ERP: Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems are used to manage all the data and processes of a company. This includes things like inventory, financials, and manufacturing.
  • CRM support: In order to manage your customer relationships, you need a CRM system. This will help you keep track of your customer's orders and preferences.

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