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An impossible choice

Across the Pacific islands, people are facing a devastating decision: stay on the land of their ancestors or leave as the islands become increasingly uninhabitable due to climate change.

  • Illustration of a flooded court room

    Part 3: What does the world owe the Pacific?

    We speak to Pacific leaders facing the gargantuan task of attempting to relocate entire villages, infrastructure and even burial grounds as communities are threatened
  • Illustration of island surrounded by ocean: Nash Weerasekera/The Guardian

    Part 2: Leave your island or fight to stay?

    In episode two we speak to islanders who have been forced to make devastating decisions due to a climate crisis not of their making
  • Illustration for Pacific Islands Climate Change Podcast.

    Part 1: When climate change arrives at your door

    A podcast examining the decision faced by Pacific people as climate change makes their islands unliveable: can we stay on our land or will we be forced to leave?