Receive a front row seat at a program tailored specifically to your business priorities and have access to top U.S. Chamber policy and advocacy experts at your next Washington fly-in.

What is a fly-in?

Local and state chambers of commerce and trade associations visit Washington, D.C. to meet with their congressional representatives, White House officials, and federal departments and agencies. A fly-in group is usually made up of chamber/association staff, board members, business members, and local officials.

The goal of these meetings is to tell their stories – stories from real business owners from real American communities – and press for legislation and program implementation that benefits business, big and small.

How do I start planning my fly-in?

Please check out the resources we offer to help you kickstart the planning process. We also operate seven regional offices across the United States. Our regional team members can offer excellent tips and advice in the planning process.

Schedule a U.S. Chamber speaker

Interested in scheduling a briefing from a U.S. Chamber policy expert as a part of your fly-in programming?

For more information, or if you have any questions, please reach out to Grace Millerick, Senior Manager, Federation Relations and Grassroots Advocacy at [email protected].