#HealthyAtHome - Quitting tobacco

#HealthyAtHome - Quitting tobacco

Why should you quit smoking and how can you do it?

Smokers have a higher risk of getting coronavirus because they are constantly putting their hands to their lips.

And then, if they get coronavirus, they run a greater risk of getting a severe case because their lung function is impaired. 

Quit today to reduce these risks and start living a healthier life.

Quick tips to curb your cravings:  

  1. Delay: Delay as long as you can before giving in to your urge.
  2. Deep breathing: Take 10 deep breaths to relax yourself from within until the urge passes. 
  3. Drink water: Drinking water is a healthy alternative to sticking a cigarette in your mouth. 
  4. Do something else to distract yourself: Take a shower, read, go for a walk, listen to music!

There are many resources within your own community. Find out if your healthcare providers, Quit line Counsellors,  mCessation programmes are available to support you in your journey to quit.




How to quit tobacco smoking?

A guide for tobacco users to quit

This self-help material was developed based on WHO Capacity Building Training Package 4 entitled “Strengthening health systems for treating tobacco...