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Application Services

How Cloudflare is helping domain owners with the upcoming Entrust CA distrust by Chrome and Mozilla


SSLSaaSCertificate AuthorityAdvanced Certificate ManagerApplication ServicesApplication Security

Chrome and Mozilla will stop trusting Entrust’s public TLS certificates issued after November 2024 due to concerns about Entrust’s compliance with security standards. In response, Entrust is partnering with to continue providing trusted certificates. Cloudflare will support as a CA, simplifying certificate management for customers using Entrust by automating issuance and renewals....


March 08, 2024 2:00 PM

Introducing Requests for Information (RFIs) and Priority Intelligence Requirements (PIRs) for threat intelligence teams

Our Security Center now houses Requests for Information (RFIs) and Priority Intelligence Requirements (PIRs). These features are available via API as well and Cloudforce One customers can start leveraging them today for enhanced security analysis...

March 06, 2024 2:00 PM

Simplifying how enterprises connect to Cloudflare with Express Cloudflare Network Interconnect

Express Cloudflare Network Interconnect makes it fast and easy to connect your network to Cloudflare. Customers can now order Express CNIs directly from the Cloudflare dashboard, and they will be ready to use in 3 minutes. Express CNI also simplifies setting up Magic Transit and ...