写真 2015-02-16 13 59 33This is the second post for the “Agriculture support project”. The previous article, “Agriculture support project: We will support famers in Kochi” has received a lot of views. We are really glad and thankful. Following the first one, I will write about “Vegetable wastes” this time again.

I will start with the celery in the picture below. Doesn’t it look delicious? Eating the celery raw with a bit of mayo would be wonderful. But…., it won’t happen because the celery does not meet the standard. Yes, the leaves are cracked and the stalks are snapped partially.  

写真 2015-02-16 13 59 42

The next is the cabbage below. Looks OK to me. The cabbage is a failure not because a part of it is a bit brown but because it has a torn surface. Certainly, I have never seen cabbages with torn surface. The cabbage was delicious. Oh, the vegetable makes me crave fish flies.  

写真 2015-02-16 13 59 58

Let’s move to the next. Can you guess what is wrong with the broccoli? The problem is not the shape. This broccoli is a failure because it has buds out from the sides. The buds are called “Wakime”.

写真 2015-02-16 13 59 45

The last is the carrots. Two of them have long slits. The right one has a root coming out from its middle. This kind of carrots are not sold at the supermarkets, but used for school meals and other purposes.

写真 2015-02-16 14 00 05

Farmers have almost no