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Lesson 2: Functions

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About this lesson

Lesson 2: Functions


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Programs in Kotlin


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Setting up

  • Create a file in your project
  • Create a main() function
  • Pass arguments to main()(Optional)
  • Use any passed arguments in function calls (Optional)
  • Run your program


Before you can write code and run programs, you need to:

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Create a new Kotlin file

In IntelliJ IDEA's Project pane, under Hello World, right-click the src folder.

  • Select New > Kotlin File/Class.
  • Select File, name the file Hello, and press Enter.


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Create a Kotlin file

You should now see a file in the src folder called Hello.kt.


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Create a main() function

In the Hello.kt file:

fun main(args: Array<String>) {

println("Hello, world!")



The args in the main() function are optional.

main() is the entry point for execution for a Kotlin program.

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Run your Kotlin program

To run your program, click the Run icon ( ) to the left of the main() function.

IntelliJ IDEA runs the program, and displays the results in the console.


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Pass arguments to main()

Select Run > Edit Configurations to open the Run/Debug Configurations window.


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Use arguments in main()

Use args[0] to access the first input argument passed to main().


fun main(args: Array<String>) {

println("Hello, ${args[0]}")


⇒ Hello, Kotlin!

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(Almost) Everything has a value


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(Almost) Everything is an expression


val temperature = 20

val isHot = if (temperature > 40) true else false


⇒ false

In Kotlin, almost everything is an expression and has a value. Even an if expression has a value.

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Expression values

Sometimes, that value is kotlin.Unit.


⇒ This is an expression


val isUnit = println("This is an expression")


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Functions in Kotlin


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About functions

  • A block of code that performs a specific task


  • Breaks a large program into smaller modular chunks

  • Declared using the fun keyword
  • Can take arguments with either named or default values

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Parts of a function

Earlier, you created a simple function that printed "Hello World".


fun printHello() {

println("Hello World")



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Unit returning functions

If a function does not return any useful value, its return type is Unit.


fun printHello(name: String?): Unit {

println("Hi there!")


Unit is a type with only one value: Unit.

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Unit returning functions


The Unit return type declaration is optional.

fun printHello(name: String?) {

println("Hi there!")


fun printHello(name: String?): Unit {

println("Hi there!")


is equivalent to:

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Function arguments

  • Default parameters
  • Required parameters
  • Named arguments


Functions may have:

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Default parameters

fun drive(speed: String = "fast") {

println("driving $speed")



Default values provide a fallback if no parameter value is passed.

drive() ⇒ driving fast

drive("slow") driving slow

drive(speed = "turtle-like") ⇒ driving turtle-like

Use "=" after the type

to define default values

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Required parameters

If no default is specified for a parameter, the corresponding argument is required.


fun tempToday(day: String, temp: Int) {

println("Today is $day and it's $temp degrees.")


Required parameters

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Default versus required parameters

Functions can have a mix of default and required parameters.

Pass in required arguments.


fun reformat(str: String,

divideByCamelHumps: Boolean,

wordSeparator: Char,

normalizeCase: Boolean = true){

Has default value

reformat("Today is a day like no other day", false, '_')

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Named arguments

To improve readability, use named arguments for required arguments.

reformat(str, divideByCamelHumps = false, wordSeparator = '_')


It's considered good style to put default arguments after positional arguments, that way callers only have to specify the required arguments.

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Compact functions


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Single-expression functions

Compact functions, or single-expression functions, make your code more concise and readable.


fun double(x: Int): Int {

x * 2


fun double(x: Int):Int = x * 2

Complete version

Compact version

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Lambdas and higher-order functions


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Kotlin functions are first-class


  • Kotlin functions can be stored in variables and data structures
  • They can be passed as arguments to, and returned from, other higher-order functions
  • You can use higher-order functions to create new "built-in" functions

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Lambda functions

var dirtLevel = 20

val waterFilter = {level: Int -> level / 2}


⇒ 10


A lambda is an expression that makes a function that has no name.

Function arrow

Code to execute

Parameter and type

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Syntax for function types

val waterFilter: (Int) -> Int = {level -> level / 2}


Kotlin's syntax for function types is closely related to its syntax for lambdas. Declare a variable that holds a function.

Data type of variable

(function type)

Variable name


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Higher-order functions

Higher-order functions take functions as parameters, or return a function.


fun encodeMsg(msg: String, encode: (String) -> String): String {​

return encode(msg)


The body of the code calls the function that was passed as the second argument, and passes the first argument along to it.

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Higher-order functions

To call this function, pass it a string and a function.


val enc1: (String) -> String = { input -> input.toUpperCase() }

println(encodeMsg("abc", enc1))

Using a function type separates its implementation from its usage.

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Passing a function reference

Use the :: operator to pass a named function as an argument to another function.


fun enc2(input:String): String = input.reversed()

The :: operator lets Kotlin know that you are passing the function reference as an argument, and not trying to call the function.

encodeMessage("abc", ::enc2)

Passing a named function,

not a lambda

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Last parameter call syntax

Kotlin prefers that any parameter that takes a function is the last parameter.


encodeMessage("acronym", { input -> input.toUpperCase() })

You can pass a lambda as a function parameter without putting it inside the parentheses.

encodeMsg("acronym") { input -> input.toUpperCase() }

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Using higher-order functions

Many Kotlin built-in functions are defined using last parameter call syntax.


inline fun repeat(times: Int, action: (Int) -> Unit)

repeat(3) {



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List filters


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List filters


Get part of a list based on some condition



dark red


bright orange




dark red

Apply filter() on list

Condition: element contains “red”

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Iterating through lists

If a function literal has only one parameter, you can omit its declaration and the "->". The parameter is implicitly declared under the name it.


val ints = listOf(1, 2, 3)

ints.filter { it > 0 }

ints.filter { n -> n > 0 }

ints.filter { n: Int -> n > 0 }


Filter iterates through a collection, where it is the value of the element during the iteration. This is equivalent to:

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List filters

val books = listOf("nature", "biology", "birds")

println(books.filter { it[0] == 'b' })


⇒ [biology, birds]

The filter condition in curly braces {} tests each item as the filter loops through. If the expression returns true, the item is included.

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Eager and lazy filters

  • Lazy: occurs only if necessary at runtime


  • Eager: occurs regardless of whether the result is ever used

Lazy evaluation of lists is useful if you don't need the entire result, or if the list is exceptionally large and multiple copies wouldn't wouldn't fit into RAM.

Evaluation of expressions in lists:

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Eager filters

Filters are eager by default. A new list is created each time you use a filter.


val instruments = listOf("viola", "cello", "violin")

val eager = instruments.filter { it [0] == 'v' }

println("eager: " + eager)

⇒ eager: [viola, violin]

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Lazy filters

Sequences are data structures that use lazy evaluation, and can be used with filters to make them lazy.


⇒ filtered: kotlin.sequences.FilteringSequence@386cc1c4

val instruments = listOf("viola", "cello", "violin")

val filtered = instruments.asSequence().filter { it[0] == 'v'}

println("filtered: " + filtered)

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Sequences -> lists

Sequences can be turned back into lists using toList().


val newList = filtered.toList()

⇒ new list: [viola, violin]

val filtered = instruments.asSequence().filter { it[0] == 'v'}

println("new list: " + newList)

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Other list transformations

val numbers = setOf(1, 2, 3)

println(numbers.map { it * 3 })

=> [3, 6, 9]

val numberSets = listOf(setOf(1, 2, 3), setOf(4, 5), setOf(1, 2))�println(numberSets.flatten())

=> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 2]


  • map() performs the same transform on every item and returns the list.
  • flatten() returns a single list of all the elements of nested collections.

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In Lesson 2, you learned how to:

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Practice what you’ve learned by�completing the pathway:

Lesson 2: Functions


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