Workers AI - Run Any* Model - closed beta sign up
If you're interested in running any* model on Workers AI (provided that it is supported), please fill out this form. This will allow users to request an instance of a model by sharing the HuggingFace URL and Workers AI will launch an instance of that model for you.

Take a look at our blog post for more details on this new feature.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
What is your Cloudflare account ID?  *
This is the hexadecimal ID from your dashboard:
What is your use case for Run Any* Model? *
What kind of models do you want to run on Workers AI? (HuggingFace repo links are preferred) *
How much volume are you expecting? (Requests Per Second) *
What is important for your use case, and what led to your interest in Workers AI for this? *
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