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Mar 5, 2016
United Kingdom
Hey all,

Hartley here from The MacRumors Show. We post a new thread for discussing each episode of the podcast, but @Dan Barbera and I would love to engage with you guys more directly here.

We obviously talk through some of the biggest weekly news from the site, but please let us know if there's any specific topics or guests you'd like to see on the show, or if you've got any feedback to help us improve the podcast. Likewise, we're also very happy to answer any questions you may have. We could even discuss a "mailbag" of questions on the show if we get enough. Thanks!


macrumors 6502
Mar 9, 2022
Don't know how I missed this thread! You gotta put it on the front page. ;)

I agree getting people who were part of Apple history would be awesome. Doesn't have to be at the executive level, but so many folks worked there over the decades, or interacted with those that did. I am sure some would be willing to spend an hour on the show with the two of you.

Don't sell yourselves short. MacRumors is very well known and often reviewed by others in the industry.


macrumors 6502
Mar 9, 2022
Thanks for the idea! Do you have any specific people in mind?
I don't profess to know any of these people personally, but these are former apple directors that MR previously reported on. Slightly lower down the food chain from VPs, but were still in the trenches during their time at Apple. They can talk about their time at Apple and the direction of the industry as far as their respective specialties go. Not to put down Apple in any way, but would love to hear what their vision of the future looks like.

Or just regular people who were saved at least in part by Apple devices:
The news is full of others like them. Only a suggestion. I'll continue to listen to you guys no matter what.
How about inviting Ms. Kaiann H. Drance | Vice President of iPhone Marketing? She has done interviews before with different tech websites.

Perhaps, she can talk about the iPhone in general. Such as:
  • Why did Apple decide to discontinue the iPhone 13 Mini?
  • How come Apple doesn't make iPhone Pro Models in Product Red?
  • Why did Apple decide to get rid of 3D Touch from the iPhone line-up?


Senior Editor
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Mar 5, 2016
United Kingdom
I don't profess to know any of these people personally, but these are former apple directors that MR previously reported on. Slightly lower down the food chain from VPs, but were still in the trenches during their time at Apple. They can talk about their time at Apple and the direction of the industry as far as their respective specialties go. Not to put down Apple in any way, but would love to hear what their vision of the future looks like.

Or just regular people who were saved at least in part by Apple devices:
The news is full of others like them. Only a suggestion. I'll continue to listen to you guys no matter what.
These are some great suggestions, we'll try to reach out to a few!


macrumors 601
Nov 23, 2014
😱 I also wish I knew about this sub-forum earlier!

I had so many thoughts and praises about individual episodes…. But never had a place to express them, and have forgotten them.

Until now 😱

Next one…

And yeah, please get this up on the front page somehow. It would be fun to discuss with others things and rumors and opinions from the show. (Respectfully of course)

Every time I hear “Hartley, STOP. Stop giving Apple ideas.” It makes me laugh 😆


macrumors 6502
Mar 9, 2022
Thanks to @snak-atak's suggestion to reach out to some former Apple VPs, we were able to get Lucid's Mike Bell on the show! We're always open to ideas.
@Hartley - shoutout not necessary at all. I love your shows and this was a great episode! It was great hearing Mike's history with Apple, and I loved hearing what he's now doing with Lucid. So great to see Apple's brightest innovating and infecting other companies with their DNA. Keep up the great work!
  • Love
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Senior Editor
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Mar 5, 2016
United Kingdom
We're looking to take some listener questions this week as we start to close out the year. Let us know what you want to know and we'll do our best to answer!


macrumors 68000
Jun 29, 2020
San Jose, CA
No MacRumers show this week? If there was a week to take off it's now considering we don't have much news until September.

Same question as last week. I still listen to this show despite having an Android Phone (Looking for an android equivilent podcast or coverage) and maybe the show is coming out later today, but just wondering if you guys are on hiatus or not. If you are, enjoy your vacation.
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