Information about James Michael Mullenweg

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Full Name: James “Mike” Michael Mullenweg
Date of birth: September 12, 1968
Place of birth: Beaumont, Jefferson County, Texas
Current age: 56
Father: Will “Bill” Henry Mullenweg Jr.
Mother: Darlene Coye Byrd
Siblings: Deborah Lynn Mullenweg *

BA in communications from Stephen F. Austin State University - 5/1992
Was a scuba instructor in Hawaii and Florida from 1992-2000
Graduated University of North Texas, Masters in Recreation Program Management
Is a park ranger near Rockport, Texas

Here's a recent article with Mike in it:
Fix In The Works For Shrinking Texas Island - Winds, Waves And More Continue To Take Toll On Goose Island State Park

by Jessie Degollado, KSAT 12 News Reporter
POSTED: Thursday, July 22, 2010
UPDATED: 7:03 am CDT July 22, 2010

GOOSE ISLAND, Texas -- Not counting its popular state park between the Aransas National Refuge and Rockport, Goose Island at one time was only about 150 acres, one of the smallest barrier islands along the Texas coast.

Yet Texas Parks and Wildlife studies show it has lost 25 acres over 26 years because of prevailing winds and currents coupled with man made bulkheads that were meant to preserve the shoreline.

"They just created new currents," said Mike Mullenweg, the Goose Park interpreter who helps educate its visitors. "They dug into the island basically like an egg beater and just chewed it up."

Losing less than an acre a year may not sound like much, but Mullenweg said that's a lot to a tiny island and the wildlife that depend on its marshlands, the very basis of its eco-system.

"Each acre in it becomes even more valuable every year," he said. "If we can add to that total as oppose to take away from it, that's truly the mission of Texas Parks and Wildlife."

Over the years, the agency has been trying to save the state's vanishing shoreline with stabilization and marsh restoration projects like the one at Goose Island.

Mullenweg said donor and state funds have gone into a 1,600-foot breakwater shielding one side of the island, dredging mud from the bottom of its channel, then pumping that into man-made containment pools on the other side.

Park volunteers already have been transplanting marsh grasses by hand to restore what was lost. They hope to complete that effort next year.

"Then it will be up to mother nature to have that grass spread and grow and fill in," said Mullenweg.

He expects it will be hard to tell the difference from the existing marsh where brown pelicans and even raccoons forage for food. He said even endangered whooping cranes have been spotted in the past.

"I'm very happy they're doing projects like this," said John Berry, one of the park's faithful visitors. "Sounds like an excellent idea!"

Mullenweg said had the effort not been made to preserve what was left of little Goose Island, there's every reason to believe that the entire western end of the island would eventually disappear.

Full article at KSAT Goose Island Story with video

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