By: Jerry3904


MX Version: MX-18

Section: About

Joining MX development

We welcome contributions from anybody. We mostly write low-level tools in bash scripts and GUIs in Qt/C++, but we also use PyQt and an assortment of other programming languages. People of different skills contribute on their own time, usually picking up projects that pique their interest. We have a public Application Development subforum for open development if looking for public comment on work in progress.

Where to start

If you are interested in GUI/Qt/C++ apps familiarize yourself with what is in our codebase. Watch our Github account for MX apps: If you want to work on something, follow standard GitHub procedures.

To submit contributions please follow this workflow

  • Fork the repo that interests you (create an account on github if you don’t have one) 
  • Clone it to your local disk
  • Make changes -> commit them -> push them to your repo
  • Issue a Pull Request from your repo
  • Report and fix bugs on
  • Join MX forum and post and watch threads in Development sub-forum

Useful Links and info

MX Linux