Japanese property

Buy a Japanese ambulance, pachinko machine or samurai sword at this government auction site

Weird and wonderful treasures you won’t find anywhere else, and at shockingly low prices.

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Renovations at our cheap Japanese house in the countryside plummet to new lows

What has our boss lying face down on the floor?

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An unexpected visitor stops by our cheap Japanese house in the countryside【SoraHouse】

Proof that when night falls, nature comes out to play in the Japanese countryside, like something out of an anime film.

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How to eat well at a cheap Japanese house in the countryside with no electricity【SoraHouse】

No convenience store food allowed during this sleepover!

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Tearing down the ceiling at our cheap Japanese house in the countryside【SoraHouse】

Renovation work reveals an exciting surprise — beautiful beams in the ceiling.

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Turning a crazy cheap country Japanese house into a home — Step 15: Trash to Treasure【SoraHouse】

How much money can we make from three truckfulls of trash?

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Turning a crazy cheap country Japanese house into a home — Step 14: Before and After 【SoraHouse】

Finally we’re seeing some real progress take place!

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Turning a crazy cheap country Japanese house into a home — Step 12: Workwear【SoraHouse】

What’s the most appropriate clothing for renovating a property in Japan?

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Turning a crazy cheap country Japanese house into a home — Step 11: Dig for treasure【SoraHouse】

We unearth some unusual finds at our old property in the countryside.

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Turning a crazy cheap country Japanese house into a home — Step 10: Mysterious water【SoraHouse】

Dare we drink the water from this strange source we discovered on our property?

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Turning a crazy cheap country Japanese house into a home — Step 9: Chestnuts【SoraHouse】

Are roadside chestnuts really safe to eat? 

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Neighbors Kamikitazawa introduces us to the cool side of shared Tokyo apartment rentals

Where neighbours become good friends…

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Before and After: Renovating a rundown rental property in Japan

Apartment renovation in the middle of Tokyo is a DIY inspiration. 

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