
Japanese police are not messing around, with Patlabor robot mecha out on display 【Video】

Giant Ingram steps out of the anime world to fight crime in Japan on behalf of the police force. 

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Real-life pilotable anime-style robots now on sale in Japan【Video】

Pre-orders open for Archax, which follows anime tradition right down to having an awesome start-up sequence.

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It’s not Gunpla, it’s Gunele! Witch from Mercury fan builds awesome Gundam Aerial from Legos【Pics】

And there’s even a secret hidden inside.

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We visit the full-scale Evangelion statue in Kyoto and particularly delight in the food tie-ins

Sure, testing your Eva synchronization rate in the entry plug is pretty cool, but so is the food faithfully recreated from the anime.

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McDonald’s Japan gives us a taste of the anime world with new series of Gundam burgers

Char takes over McDonald’s for a limited time, but are his burgers as good as he says they are?

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McDonald’s Japan is selling Gundam burgers, endorsed by anime’s most charismatic antagonist【Vids】

Char is here, and he’s brought a whole line of Char Custom burgers with him.

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This lucky bag of anime models is also a decades-long history lesson for our mecha newbie

Yellow Submarine takes us on a dive into the past with its New Year’s fukubako.

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Gorgeous gold Gundams are good-God expensive【Photos】

For the discerning, deep-pocketed fan who wants to go from Gunpla to Gungold.

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All aboard the Rei Ayanami Line! Nagoya train line gets makeover to celebrate final EVA film

Another reminder that anything can and will become Evangelion-ized.

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You can use anime mecha weaponry to open your mail with this awesome Gundam letter opener【Photos】

It’s how Char would handle his fan mail.

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In these non-sober quarantine days, use your leftover alcohol bottles for Gundam models【Pics】

In quarantine, every hour is wine and dine. Make do with a new hobby before losing your sanity!

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Hollywood is making a live-action Gundam movie that’s sure to please…well, probably no one

Legendary Entertainment is ready to roll the dice on adapting the biggest anime mecha series of all time for the overseas live-action movie market.

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Ultimate Gundam ranking being held nationwide including all series and movies, voting on now!

It’s time to stand up and be counted, and help choose the coolest stuff to ever come out of the entire 40-year universe of Gundam.

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Anime mecha Gundam will appear in Steven Spielberg’s Ready Player One【Video】

Old-school anime robot icon makes its Hollywood debut in adaptation coming next year.

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Japan vs. USA giant robot duel scheduled this month 【Video】

As the robot duel grows closer, Megabots Inc has been giving fans video updates on their progress upgrading their robot.

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Toy Story’s Woody and pals join to form “Super Mecha Toy Story Robot Sheriff” 【Pics/Vid】

Now THIS is a real space ranger!

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Original Taiwanese mecha anime smashes crowdfunding goal

This awesome-looking original mecha anime from Taiwan is killing it on the Asian equivalent of Kickstarter.

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Centuries of tradition and the Mobile Suit designer bring us Gundam and Zaku sake cups

Who said sake cups have to be boring?

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Japanese company builds giant robot you could be piloting right now

Chiba Prefecture’s Wonder Festival is a bi-annual figure and model expo. The event’s bread and butter is figurine of anime and video game characters, in both frighteningly realistic and sexily unrealistic varieties.

But while the first thing most people associate with the event is toys, if your model is made of metal instead of plastic or urethane, and it’s self-propelled to boot, you’ve crossed the line of three-dimensional art and moved into straight-up engineering. Of course, Wonder Festival’s exhibitors aren’t going to stray too far from their fanciful roots, so what do you get when you combine technology with science fiction? You get this amazing giant robot, which is so easy to pilot that attendees could test drive it.

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Abu Dhabime? Middle Eastern mech anime ‘Torkaizer’ turns Japan’s heads with trailer


Japanese animation has over the course of its evolution branched out into several sub-genres based on the proliferating light novels and manga series. While this is great, it seems as though the once-loved era of giant fighting robots seems to be slipping away.

Gundam‘s still chugging along and Evangelion has been enjoying its reboot, but there hasn’t been a whole lot new going on. Enter Abu Dhabi-based Alter Ego Productions with their trailer for Torkaizer which offers a fresh look on a classic genre.

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