The Taiwan Monthly

Aug. 2023

Index Announcement

TIP Taiwan Sustainability Themed Indices

Responsible investment and climate change have become important international issues. This, coupled with the rise of indexed investments, has attracted government funds and institutional investors to actively use indexed investments to implement sustainable investments, leading to the flourishing development of sustainability-themed indexes.


Since the launch of the "Taiwan Employment 99 Index" in 2010, Taiwan Stock Exchange(TWSE) has continued to lead the development and application of ESG-related indices to enhance sustainable development, expanding index investing products and services. Taiwan Index Plus Corporation (TIP), a wholly-owned subsidiary that was established in 2016 by TWSE, has succeeded to specialize in handling index-related businesses, and continue to promote the use of indices for sustainable investment. As of July 2023, TIP has published 26 Taiwan ESG-themed indices, including ESG Comprehensive and ESG with multiple themes indices. Among these, the FTSE4Good TIP Taiwan ESG Index, which jointly developed by TIP and FTSE Russell, is not only the first ESG Comprehensive index but also the most diversified sustainable-themed index in use of ETP applications in Taiwan. It is utilized to ETF, actively managed fund, index fund, index future, and as a performance benchmark for government funds. The assets tracking this index have exceeded NT$77 billion in July.


TIP has consistently devoted efforts to developing ESG indices and diversification of indexing applications in order to respond policies including FSC’s“Sustainable Development Action Plans for TWSE- and TPEx-Listed Companies,”and “the Taiwan ESG ecosystem” promoted by TWSE. Currently, TIP's ESG indices have been licensed to 19 products, including 8 ETFs, 5 ETNs, benchmarks for mandated investment plans of government funds, and others, such as index futures and reference benchmarks for active funds. The total assets tracking these indices have exceeded NT$120 billion, which has achieved substantial results. To know more details of Taiwan sustainability themed indices, please visit TIP official website (TIP Taiwan Sustainability Themed Indices, link).


For further information, please contact Mr. Chu at [email protected].