We are a full-service OSHA compliance and safety consulting company with a team of highly trained and experienced safety professionals.

Our Health and Safety services include:

What our Clients are saying:

Everything was done first class.
— Major Auto Manufacturer (Industrial Hygiene Monitoring Assessment)
Thanks for the great work on this indoor air quality evaluation. I appreciate you taking the time to understand the specific needs of the project and coming through with an outstanding work product. Definitely value added!
— Airport Official (Indoor Air Quality Evaluation)
I have been pleased with the help and quick responses that I get from your staff and project managers.
— Major Power Company
I never really thanked you for all the work you did on the procedures. It worked out quite well really. It is the first time I have had to manage/correspond to this level with overseas and it worked, thanks. Your services are worth it.
— International Client - Technology Management (ISO 14001 & ISO 45001)
KERAMIDA’s performance is stellar, and will exceed your expectations. I have used their services for at least 15 years now with 100% satisfaction.
— Industrial Client

KERAMIDA is a trusted health and safety consulting firm with decades of experience providing HSE services to clients across various industries.

Featured Project:

I wanted to thank you and your team for the expedient and professional nature in which you tackled our project. All feedback received about KERAMIDA has been positive and uplifting. Your team’s determination, experience/knowledge and communication skills made this project a success. I respectfully request that you please pass along my appreciation and regards to your team. I look forward to working with KERAMIDA on future projects.
— Midstream Oil and Gas Client (Industrial Hygiene sampling for multiple sites across three states)

OSHA Silica Compliance Consulting

KERAMIDA is the industry leader in Silica Compliance consulting. We provide on-site professionals to analyze processes, tasks, equipment, air movement, and other pertinent factors for the targeted reduction of airborne silica. We have developed a unique Silica Mapping methodology to define the presence, quantity, and spatial location of respirable silica in nearly any type of facility.

Indoor Air Quality Monitoring

KERAMIDA performs indoor air quality monitoring for all types of hazards including formaldehyde and asbestos. We have extensive experience in providing indoor air quality testing for a variety of industries. Our professionals have expertise in, and routinely perform, the following evaluations:

  • Single-chemical exposure determinations for chemical substances such as formaldehyde and asbestos, which are subject to a specific OSHA standard.

  • Evaluation of multiple chemical exposures, such as paint vapors and welding fumes.

  • Evaluation of indoor air quality for biological irritants (molds and fungi) and comfort factors (temperature, humidity, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide concentrations).

  • Monitoring in foundries and similar environments to evaluate exposures to hazardous particulates, such as crystalline silica and asbestos. The measurements evaluated total dust exposure and respirable particulate fractions.

  • Evaluations of employee exposures as 8-hour Time Weighted Averages, 15-minute Short Term Exposure Limits, and instantaneous area samples.

Industrial Hygiene Assessments & Management

Our Industrial Hygienists are highly experienced in providing expert guidance for effective control of hazardous conditions. Our IH services are overseen by CIH certification holders and include Personal and Area Exposure Assessments, Facility Audits, Ergonomic Assessments, Training, and more.

Noise Monitoring

Our health and safety consultants have extensive experience in evaluating employee noise exposures in industrial settings for compliance with OSHA's Occupational Noise Exposure standard (1910.95). This includes evaluating employee exposures to all continuous, intermittent and impulsive sound levels from 80 dB to 130 dB on an A-weighted decibel scale. 

OSHA Compliance Evaluations

KERAMIDA has conducted numerous OSHA compliance audits for clients, as well as compliance evaluations with regard to specific OSHA standards. These include toxic and hazardous substances, hazard communication, confined space entry, and hazardous waste site operations.

OSHA Inspection Guidance

Our Health & Safety professionals support clients, throughout various industries, during OSHA inspections. Our consultants have knowledge and experience in:

  • Developing a plan for responding to an OSHA visit and providing training

  • Providing third party consultation throughout the inspection process by assisting with the following:

    • Responding to inquiries

    • Providing corrective action

    • Meeting deadlines

    • Mediation for informal conference

    • Reducing fines

Written OSHA Program Preparation

Our professionals have prepared written health and safety programs for many clients, ranging from heavy manufacturing facilities to business environments. 

Safety Data Sheet Preparation

KERAMIDA has designed and prepared safety data sheets (SDS) for chemical manufacturers, who are subject to all of 1910.1200(b). The SDS prepared by our professionals follow the format recommended by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), which enables manufacturers to include information required under both U.S. and international laws, and allows the incorporation of EPA environmental data sheet information, if desired.

Given the recent OSHA 2024 HazCom Final Rule that has compliance deadlines starting in 2025 for substances and extending into 2027 for mixtures, KERAMIDA is prepared to help clients reclassify products, update SDSs, and ensure your workplace is prepared for these regulatory changes.

Combustible Dust Hazard Analysis (DHA)

A Dust Hazard Analysis is designed to ensure the safety of employees and facilities. KERAMIDA’s team of experienced industrial hygienists and engineers can conduct the DHA, explain the best solutions to manage combustible dusts, and help you establish a Dust Management Plan.

Permit-Required Confined Space Consulting & Training

KERAMIDA assists clients with Permit-Required Confined Space requirements including:

  1. Confined Space Identification: KERAMIDA will assess for confined spaces as defined by OSHA.

  2. Determination of Permit-Required Status: KERAMIDA will evaluate each identified confined space to determine which are permit-required. Each permit-required confined space will then be itemized in an inventory recorded on a spreadsheet which will include a discrete identifier, location, the associated hazards, and recommended controls.

  3. Permit-Required Confined Space Identification Signage: KERAMIDA will procure the necessary signage and post them accordingly on all Permit-Required Confined Spaces. Upon request, to further reinforce safety, Non-Permit Required Confined Space signage can be posted as well.

  4. Comprehensive Confined Space Training:  KERAMIDA will provide instruction to affected employees which includes, but may not be limited to, the following curriculum:

    • Recognition of confined spaces including permit and non-permit

    • Recognition of potential confined space hazards

    • Hazard controls

    • Air monitoring

    • Confined space permits

    • Entrant, attendant, and supervisor responsibilities

    • Communication

    • Familiarity with Rescue Equipment and Non-Entry Rescue Procedures

  5. Written Permit Space Program Development:  KERAMIDA will develop a written Permit Space Program that includes the following:

    • Measures necessary to prevent unauthorized entry

    • Identification and evaluation of the permitted space hazards before employees enter them

    • Development and implementation of means, procedures, and practices necessary for safe permit space entry operations

Emergency Response Plans

We have created Emergency Response Plans for power plants, manufacturing facilities, distribution centers, and utilities, worldwide. Our Emergency Response Plan Services include:

  • Comprehensive safety plans to address all significant emergencies with the potential of impacting worker safety.

  • Regulatory required Risk Management Plans to protect worker safety, public health, and the environment.

KERAMIDA's Near Miss Training Course

As a leading safety consulting firm, KERAMIDA is pleased to offer an online interactive training module for educating the workforce and promoting safety through near-miss reporting.

If you would like to get safety off the ground at your facility by training in near-miss reporting contact us today. Our professionals are standing by to assist you in your ongoing health and safety efforts.

Workplace Hazard Assessment

OSHA requires hazard assessments on all operations to determine the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) required by employees. KERAMIDA helps companies comply with this regulation by identifying operational hazards, determining appropriate PPE, and providing standard step-by-step procedures for safe operation. Our safety professionals will also evaluate the level of risk for each step, and provide recommendations for hazard elimination and substitution, as well as engineering and administrative controls, where applicable.

Accident and Injury Investigations

As a highly experienced Safety consulting firm, we know that responsiveness is key when an incident occurs. Our on-call Safety professionals provide on-site investigations to conduct Root Cause Analysis and Hazard Elimination. Learn about three important steps for effective accident and injury investigations.

Health and Safety Program (HSP) Development

Our professionals have developed, and implemented, the following programs for various industrial clients:

  • Accident Investigation

  • Asbestos

  • Below the Hook

  • Benzene

  • Bloodborne Pathogen Exposure Control

  • Cadmium

  • Chemical Approval Program

  • Coke Oven Emissions Program

  • Confined Space Entry

  • Contractor/Visitor Safety

  • Contractors - Hiring and Certificates of Insurance

  • Crane and Hoist

  • Danger & Warning Tag Program

  • Drug-Free Workplace

  • Emergency Action

  • Employee Access to Records

  • Employee Alarm Systems

  • Employee Emergency & Disaster Preparedness Procedures

  • Employee Wellness

  • Energy Control

  • Ergonomics

  • Fall Protection Program

  • Fire Prevention - Extinguishers & Sprinklers

  • First Aid & Medical Treatment

  • Powered Industrial Trucks Program (Forklifts)

  • Formaldehyde Safety

  • Hazard Communication

  • Hearing Conservation

  • Heavy Mobile Equipment

  • High Voltage - Electrical

  • Hot Work - Cutting, Welding, Brazing

  • Industrial Hygiene Guidelines

  • Ionizing Radiation Safety

  • Job Safety Analysis

  • Ladders

  • Lead Safety

  • Program for the Control of Hazardous Energy (Lockout/Tagout)

  • Low Voltage - Electrical

  • Machine Guarding

  • Non-Ionizing Radiation Safety

  • OSHA Inspection Protocol

  • Overhead Material Handling - Cranes, Monorails, etc.

  • Pandemic Preparedness

  • Personal Protective Equipment Program (PPE)

  • Powered Industrial Vehicle

  • Property and Vehicle Loss Control

  • Punch Presses

  • Radiation Safety

  • Respiratory Protection

  • Return to Work

  • Robotics

  • Safety Inspections

  • Safety Orientation Training & Job Transfer

  • Safety Training Guidelines

  • Silica

  • Vehicle Loss Control

  • Workers' Compensation Loss Control Program

  • Workplace Violence / Active Shooter Prevention

On-Site Health and Safety Management

Our on-site services can be set up to meet your specific requirements – as many days per week and for as many months or years as needed. Our professionals can perform routine functions on-site as a Health and Safety Manager that includes, but is not limited to, maintaining regulatory compliance and providing an overall safe environment for others to work in. These functions may include:

  • Training

  • Program development

  • Meetings

  • Regulatory agency interaction

  • Accident investigation

  • OSHA Log completion and injury reporting

  • Accident and injury reduction

OSHA Process Safety Management

KERAMIDA provides expertise to clients who are subject to OSHA's Process Safety Management standard. This standard requires a team of experts from various fields to assemble process information and perform a hazard analysis of each covered process operated at a facility. KERAMIDA's highly experienced industrial hygienists, engineers, and toxicologist work closely with plant personnel to complete both steps of this process and enhance process safety for clients who handle highly hazardous chemicals. 

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