

Turn your data lake into a data lakehouse and get warehouse-like performance with ease

Gain advanced warehouse-like functionalities directly on your lake and maintain ownership of your data with Starburst's open data lakehouse

Companies building an open data lakehouse on Starburst

Taking a new approach with a data lakehouse

Data lakes promised a cost-effective, scalable storage solution but lacked critical features around data reliability, governance, and performance. And legacy lakes required data to be landed in their proprietary systems before you could extract value.

Enter the open data lakehouse.

Anatomy of an open data lakehouse

The open data lakehouse is a cost-effective, performant, and future data architecture that is built on an open foundation:

  • A single point of access and governance for all data in and around the data lake
  • Modern table formats provide advanced warehouse-like capabilities directly on the lake
  • Built on commodity storage and compute, which means you can scale up and down in a cost effective way

Comparing a Data Lake vs. Data Lakehouse

The open data lakehouse overcomes the limitations of legacy lakes, because it’s built with the understanding that center of gravity does not mean a single source of truth. It works with your other data sources in an open, scalable manner – creating a single, open system to access and govern the data in and around your lake.

Legacy Data Lake

Open Data Lakehouse



Limited to the data lake

Universal access to data in and around the lake

Table Formats

Table Formats

Limited to a single format (e.g. file formats in Hadoop)

Support for all modern formats Iceberg, Delta Lake, Hudi











$ (can be expensive with proprietary vendors)


Use Cases

Use Cases

Raw data storage, ML

BI, SQL, ML, Real-Time Apps



Low quality, data swamp

High-quality, reliable data with ACID transactions



Poor governance because security needs to be applied to files

Fine-grained security and governance for row/columnar level for tables

How Starburst powers the open data lakehouse

Starburst is the end-to-end platform for your open data lakehouse. It provides a single point of access for teams to discover, govern, analyze, and share data in and around your data lakehouse.

100% Future Proof
90% faster time-to-insight
53% Lower TCO

Activate your data lakehouse today with Starburst Galaxy

Start Free

Start Free with
Starburst Galaxy

Up to $500 in usage credits included

  • Query your data lake fast with Starburst's best-in-class MPP SQL query engine
  • Get up and running in less than 5 minutes
  • Easily deploy clusters in AWS, Azure and Google Cloud
For more deployment options:
Download Starburst Enterprise

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