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Retirement: VpnGw1-5 (Non-AZ SKUs) will be retired on Sep 30, 2026 – gateways will be automatically migrated to AZ SKUs

Published date: Sep 26, 2024

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You’re receiving this notice because you are currently utilizing Azure VPN Gateway with VpnGw1–5 (Non-Availability Zones SKUs). 

Due to the lack of redundancy, lower availability, and potential higher costs associated with additional failover solutions, we will be transitioning all Non-AZ SKUs to AZ SKUs. On Sep 30, 2026, the VpnGw1–5 (Non-AZ SKUs) will be retired.

More information

Starting from Jan 1, 2025, the creation of new gateways on VpnGw1-5 (Non-AZ SKUs) will no longer be possible. We’ll be seamlessly migrating all the gateways on VpnGw1-5 (Non-AZ SKUs) to VpnGw1-5 (AZ SKUs) between April 2025 to October 2026. To facilitate this migration, we are reducing the prices on AZ SKUs. Please refer to the pricing page to select the appropriate SKU for your organization. 

Recommended action 

Please note the following important dates:

  • Jan 1, 2025: Creation of new gateways on VpnGw1-5 SKUs (Non-AZ SKUs) will no longer be possible. 
  • Jan 1, 2025: Reduced pricing for AZ SKUs will come into effect. 
  • Sep 30, 2026: VpnGw1-5 (Non-AZ SKUs) will be retired, and all gateways will be automatically migrated before this date.