Brieflands is the new publisher of the Journal of Motor Control and Learning; beginning from 1 Dec 2023

Announcement: Brieflands is the new publisher of the Journal of Motor Control and Learning; beginning from 1 Dec 2023

04 Mar, 2024


Brieflands is the new publisher of the Journal of Motor Control and Learning; beginning from 1 Dec 2023

Dear Distinguished Authors & Readers,

We are pleased to announce that from 1 Dec 2023, the Journal of Motor Control and Learning ‎‎(JMCL) is being published with our new publisher: Brieflands! ‎


The journal's editorial board is pleased to announce that, beginning with Volume 5, Issue 4, JMCL is being published by Brieflands.

The attention of the readers and reviewers ‎of this journal is called to this important change since all processes of submission, tracking, and ‎publishing should be subsequently to the new publisher: Brieflands.‎

Concurrent with the change in publisher is an increase in the overall dimensions of the journal ‎environment. Authors are requested to refer to the revised instructions for Authors.


Date of ChangeAug 20191 Dec 2023
ScopesAll aspects of Motor Control and LearningAll aspects of Motor Control and Learning,      
Cognitive Sciences,      
Psychology and Behavior in Sport/Exercise, more


Print: 2717-3283 | Electronic: 2676-3451


Affected Issuesissues before Volume 5 ‎Issue 4‎Volume 5 Issue 4 onwards
Article Acceptance FeeFreeFree
Instruction for Authors-Link


We look forward to hearing you about our new website.‎

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