Amplify has re-imagined the way frontend developers build fullstack applications. Develop and deploy without the hassle.

Page updated Aug 23, 2024


Deploying multiple index changes at once

You can make @index updates on one "amplify push". Under the hood, Amplify CLI needs to locally sequence multiple individual deployments to your DynamoDB table because each Global Secondary Index (GSI), managed by @index, change requires time to create the new index.

If your deployment fails locally when updating multiple GSIs, you'll have the ability to run:

  • amplify push --iterative-rollback to rollback the last-known-good state
  • amplify push --force to rollback the last-known-good state and try redeploying your changes again using.
Attempting to mutate more than 1 global secondary index at the same time.

If you're running into the error above during amplify push, it is likely that you don't have this feature enabled. To enable multiple GSI updates, set the "enableIterativeGsiUpdates" feature flag to true in your amplify/cli.json file.

Backfill OpenSearch index from DynamoDB table

When you add @searchable to a @model type with existing data, then you need to backfill the OpenSearch index. Download the following Python script to help you backfill your OpenSearch index:

DynamoDB to OpenSearch backfill script

The script creates an event stream of your DynamoDB records and sends them to your OpenSearch Index. Execute the script with the following parameters to initiate the backfill:

--rnDynamoDB table region. See AWS Regions for available optionsYes
--tnDynamoDB table name. Format: {@model type name}-{AppSync API ID}-{Amplify environment}Yes
--lfARN of the "DynamoDB to OpenSearch streaming" Lambda function. Format: arn:aws:lambda:{region}:{AWS Account ID}:function:amplify-{Amplify project name}-{Amplify environment}-{Random string}-OpenSearchStreamingLambd-{Random string}Yes
--esarnARN of the DynamoDB table stream. Format: arn:aws:dynamodb:{region}:{AWS Account ID}:table/{@model type name}-{AppSync API ID}-{Amplify environment}/stream/{Table creation date}Yes
--akAWS Access Key ID. This is used to authenticate with your AWS account in case no local AWS profile is set up.No
--skAWS Secret Access Key. This is used to authenticate with your AWS account in case no local AWS profile is set up.No
--stAWS Session Token. This is used to authenticate with your AWS account in case no local AWS profile is set up.No

In the example below, the Post table data in us-west-2 gets backfilled in the OpenSearch index.

python3 \
--rn 'us-west-2' \ # Use the region in which your table and OpenSearch domain reside
--tn 'Post-XXXX-dev' \ # Table name
--lf 'arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:<...>:function:amplify-<...>-OpenSearchStreamingLambd-<...>' \ # Lambda function ARN, find the DynamoDB to OpenSearch streaming functions, copy entire ARN
--esarn 'arn:aws:dynamodb:us-west-2:<...>:table/Post-<...>/stream/2019-20-03T00:00:00.350' # Event source ARN, copy the full DynamoDB table ARN

Index with multiple sort key fields

When you add an @index directive with 2 or more sort key fields, you will need to backfill the new composite sort key for existing data. With @index(sortKeyFields: ["status", "date"]), you will need to backfill the status#date field with composite key values made up of each object's status and date fields joined by a #. You do not need to backfill data for @index directives with zero to one sort key field(s).

Maximum Global Secondary Index limit for DynamoDB table exceeded

If you have increased the soft limit of GSI per table in DynamoDB beyond 20, then iterative deployments will fail with the following warning.

DynamoDB <Table Name> can have max of 20 GSIs.
To disable this check, use the --disable-gsi-limit-check option.

In order to disable this behavior, update your deploy scripts or ci commands to include the --disable-gsi-limit-check option to circumvent this validation during pushes.

amplify push --disable-gsi-limit-check