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Integration of big data in the decision-making process in the real estate sector


Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd
, , Citation M S Cheryshenko and Yu Yu Pomernyuk 2021 IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 751 012096 DOI 10.1088/1755-1315/751/1/012096



We live in a time when the volume of data is growing at an unprecedented rate every day. Technical progress and the emergence of big data have transformed the development of all sectors. Although it came with its challenges it also created new opportunities. The emergence of Big Data and related analytics technologies led to changes in the business world. In today's business processes, extracting genuine value form Big Data, and integrating it into the core decision-making strategy plays a vital role. Any company that wants to stay competitive in its business sector has to adopt to the changes. Data analytics is transforming the way companies do business by deriving value from large data sets. Real value from big data and integrating it into core solutions - strategy development is vital. The article studies the process of integration of big data into the decision-making process in the real estate sector. The authors examine the role of big data for decision-making and identify the importance of big data in various decision-making processes in the real estate sector. The article can be seen only as a brief introduction. The results of this study can be used for further analysis on this topic.

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