Green transportation: increasing fuel consumption efficiency through HHO gas injection in diesel vehicles
by Ammar A. Al-Rousan; Sharaf Alkheder; Sa'ed A. Musmar; Mohammed Awwad Al-Dabbas
International Journal of Global Warming (IJGW), Vol. 14, No. 3, 2018

Abstract: Oxy-hydrogen (HHO) is a non-toxic gas that is used as a supplement to any engine working on petrol, diesel, heavy oil, acetylene, propane, kerosene, or LPG. Through adding HHO to the air intake manifold engine and injection into the cylinders, where HHO mixes with fuel, an increase in mileage of engine performance; enhancement of hydrocarbon fuel combustion; lower emission rates and an increase in fuel efficiency are observed. HHO gas is produced through the electrolysis process of different electrolytes (hydrogen generator). This study examines the effect of HHO gas that was directly injected into a single cylinder diesel engine, on the manifold intake air at varying operating speeds of 1,500-3,000 rpm in diesel engine. The experiments demonstrated positive results including (13.87-15.48%) fuel consumption reduction, lower exhaust temperature, and consequently a reduction in pollution. Furthermore, results indicated that the injection of HHO improved the combustion efficiency and increased the brake thermal efficiency by an average of approximately 17.1%.

Online publication date: Wed, 14-Mar-2018

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