<a href="/wg_8714b7f1589aa0f6c92979708057c4a57/en/es/agricecon.agriculturejournals.cz/magno/age/2008/mn8.php" style="color:inherit"="">Agric. Econ. - Czech, 2008, 54(8)</a>:358-366<span class="cLightest"="">&nbsp;|&nbsp;</span><span class="doi"="">DOI:&nbsp;10.17221/299-AGRICECON</span>

Entrepreneurship in small and medium-sized enterprises: Comparative study between Slovakia and Poland for the years 2001-2007

I. Ubre�iov�<sup="">1</sup>, K. Wach<sup="">2</sup>, J. Horv�thov�<sup="">1</sup>
I. Ubre�iov�1, K. Wach2, J. Horv�thov�1
<sup="">1</sup> Faculty of Economics and Management, Slovak University of Agriculture, Nitra, Slovak Republic
<sup="">2</sup> Faculty of Economics and International Relations, Cracow University

The main attention of the submitted paper is devoted to the comparison of development of entrepreneurship in Slovak and Polish small and medium-sized he enterprise sector. The conditions for blooming entrepreneurship are created in the national economy. Especially the role of SMEs in the transition economy, both in Slovakia and Poland, has the impact on SMEs. The entrepreneurship of small and medium-sized enterprises is extended in the whole Slovakia. From the viewpoint of the regional structure, most enterprises are located in the Bratislavsk� region (30.4%), Ko�ick� region (11.8%), �ilinsk� region (10.1%) and Tren�iansk� region (10.1%). On the other hand, the least of enterprises were registered in the Nitriansk� region (8.9%), Trnavsk� region (9.2%) and Banskobystrick� region (9.6%). Small and medium entrepreneurship is diversed throughout Poland. The average small and medium entreprenership ratio is 44.5, while the highest is in the Mazowieckie region - 55.2% and the lowest in the Podkarpackie region - 30 %. The supporting system for private entrepreneurship in both countries, Slovakia and Poland, is very similar and the entrepreneurs are satisfied with its offer and help.

Keywords: entrepreneurship, small and medium-sized enterprise, Slovakia, Poland

<span="">Published: August 31, 2008</span>&nbsp; <a class="refmancitdn" href="javascript: pageContainerHideShow('citshow', 'auto');"="">Show citation <span id="pgspan_citshow"=""><i class="ic ic-show"=""></i></span></a>

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Ubre�iov� I, Wach K, Horv�thov� J. Entrepreneurship in small and medium-sized enterprises: Comparative study between Slovakia and Poland for the years 2001-2007. Agric. Econ. - Czech. 2008;54(8):358-366. doi:�10.17221/299-AGRICECON.
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