Online ISSN : 1884-5495
Print ISSN : 0371-5345
ISSN-L : 0371-5345
Further Advances in the Characterization of Microporous Carbons by Physical Adsorption of Gases
A. Linares-SolanoC. Salinas-MarÍtnez de LeceaJ. Alcañiz-MongeD. Cazorla-Amorós
Author information

1998 Volume 1998 Issue 185 Pages 316-325


Physical adsorption of gases has been revised in terms of the Theory of Micropore Filling as a technique tocharacterise microporous carbons (carbon fiber, carbon molecular sieve, activated carbon and char). Special attention has been paid to the CO2 adsorption isotherms at 273K, obtained using subatmospheric and high pressures. Becausethe relative pressure range covered by our CO2 study is similar to the one covered with N2 at 77K, a suitable comparisonof both adsorptives has been possible. Thus, we have been able to demonstrate that CO2 is an adsorptive that behavesat 273K similarly to the well-accepted N2 at 77K. In addition, the results show that the narrow microporous carbonsshould not be characterised only by N2 at 77K, otherwise the results can be useless. We encourage the use of CO2 (i.e.at 273K) as a complement to N2 adsorption. This suggestion is especially relevant considering that the most frequentavailable adsorption equipments use only N2 at 77K and that most of the researchers limit the characterisation ofmicroporous carbons to this adsorptive.

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