3rd Front Range UV and Ozone Workshop

June 5, 2002
Organized and hosted by the U.S. Department of Agriculture's UV Monitoring Program and the Surface Radiation Research Branch Central UV Calibration Facility
NOAA David Skaggs Research Center, Boulder, Colorado

Participant Photo

Wei Gao, UVMRP, CSU A Brief Report of USDA Ongoing Research of UV Impact on Agriculture
Robert D. Evans, NOAA/CMDL Differences between the Brewer and Dobson under Differing Conditions
Ulf Koehler, S. Trepte, and P. Winkler, Meteor. Observ. Hohenpeissenberg, Germany Long Term Trends of Solar Irradiance, Total Ozone and UV and the Global GAW Station
Barry Lefer, NCAR The Effects of Aerosols and Clounds on UV Actinic Flux and Photochemistry
Michael Kimlin, U. Georgia Level 1 Corrected UV Data from the UGA/EPA Brewer UV Monitoring Network
Julia Lee-Taylor, NCAR An Updated Global Climatology of Erythemal UVR
Sasha Madronich, NCAR Some Cautions on the Use of Action Spectra
Patrick Disterhoft, NOAA CUCF The Verification of the Central UV Calibration Facility's Horizontal Irradiance Scale
James Slusser, UVMRP, CSU Biological Weighting Functions and the Spectal Transmission of Clouds
George Janson, UVMRP, CSU Using Langley Analysis to Evaluate the Stability of UV-MFRSRs
Melanie Wetzel, Desert Research Institute Mesoscale Mapping of UV Spectral Irradiances
Mark Beaubien, Yankee Environmental Systems The UV-RSS: Principles of Operation
Tommy Tayler, U. Georgia Understanding the Temperature Dependence of the Brewer Spectrometer
Kathy Lantz, NOAA CUCF Calibration History of the UVB Broadband Radiometers of the Central UV Calibration Facility and the USDA UV Monitoring Network
John DeLuisi, NOAA SRRB UV Satellite QA Linking of Surface UV Networks
William Barnard, North Carolina State U. Daily Surface UV Exposure and Its Relationship to Surface Pollutant Measurements
Jack Shreffler, EPA Research Triangle Park RAF Dependence on Clouds