NSPCA - 65 Years of Service

Raise Funds to Help Animals

Did you know that you can raise funds on our behalf to help animals?

Below are a few suggestions on how to join the NSPCA team and reach animals that need our help and protection.


Are you taking part in a sport event such as cycling, a marathon or a triathlon? Or considering a drive across the country in your vintage car? The good news is that you can use the opportunity to do all these amazing things AND raise money to uplift the lives of animals. Once your fundraiser is set up, you can easily share your fundraising page with your friends, family and colleagues on WhatsApp, email or your social media channels and start raising money for animals. You can also rest assured that once you have officially signed up with an NSPCA funding programme, the money you raise for animals on these platforms will go directly to our bank account.

You can start your fundraiser on these two reputable platforms:

If you need more info, please contact us today!

Donate/Fundraise with GivenGain:

Matched Funds

The term “Matched Funds” refers to an additional donation contributed directly to the NSPCA from an individual, company or community partner to match a donation you have made. Your company, for example, will match a donation of R100.00 to the NSPCA and donate the same amount. This can be a once-off payment or an annual contribution.

To set up matched funding, send an email to [email protected] with the relevant contact details and we will send a formal letter to your organisation, company or even a friend, challenging them to match the donation! It can’t hurt to try!

Payroll Giving

The Payroll Giving programme allows employees to donate a portion of their salary to charity. An employee selects the preferred amount to be donated which is then deducted from his/her salary on a monthly basis. The company will then pay the donation to the charity on his/her behalf.

Find out from your HR representative if your company participates in payroll giving and you can then donate to the NSPCA and help promote the welfare of animals.

Please contact us to discuss your fundraising project or ideas.

Please note:

All donations made are tax-deductible. Click here for more information about tax receipts.
The use of the NSPCA logo without permission is strictly forbidden (there are legal repercussions involved) and may not be used as a way to raise funds without our permission.