
Pediatric Medicine (PM) is indexed in Scopus

Published: 2021-07-02
Editorial Office, Pediatric Medicine. Email: [email protected]

On Jun 26, 2021, we received the good news from Elsevier that Pediatric Medicine (PM) has been accepted for inclusion in Scopus.

Pediatric Medicine (PM, Pediatr Med, ISSN 2617-5428), is an international, open access, peer-reviewed online journal covering the cutting-edge findings in all fields of pediatrics, providing current and practical information on prevention, diagnosis and clinical investigations. Pediatric Medicine welcome submission of the following article types: original article, review article, editorial commentary, case report, letter to editor, images in clinical medicine, etc. PM is the official journal of the National Children's Medical Center (China) and Children's Hospital of Fudan University (Shanghai, China).

We can’t achieve this without the continuous support and contributions of PM’s editorial board members, guest editors, authors, reviewers and readers. We here would like to extend our sincere gratitude to all the contributors. We will keep striving to publish high-quality articles and make PM to the forefront.