Analyzing the thyroid hormone (TH)-dependent period of the inner ear, we observed that the presence of triiodothyronine (T3) between postnatal day 3 (P3) and P12 is sufficient for functional maturation of the auditory system. Within this short time period, an unusual transient TH-dependent expression of nonneuronal neurotrophin receptors (NT-R) trkB and p75(NGFR) was observed in correlation with neuronal and morphogenetic processes. The availability of thyroid hormone was revealed to be invariably correlated with (a) a transient expression of full-length trkB in TRalpha1-, TRalpha2- and TRbeta1-expressing hair cells concomitant to the segregation of afferent fibers and the synaptogenesis of efferent fibers; and (b) a transient expression of p75(NGFR) in TRalpha1- and TRbeta1-expressing great epithelia ridge cells in direct spatiotemporal correlation with the appearance of apoptotic cells and morphogenetic maturation of the organ. For the first time, these data suggest a TH dependency of the expression of neurotrophin receptors in nonneuronal cells. A potential role of these peculiar neurotrophin receptor expression for the conversion of the biological function of TH on innervation patterning and morphogenesis during the critical TH-dependent period of the inner ear may be considered.