Control of adrenal aldosterone secretion is an important endocrine mechanism mediated by angiotensin II (Ang. II). Recently three subtypes of angiotensin receptors have been demonstrated in the rat adrenal. Our aim was to examine if these receptors are affected by hormone treatment in vivo. Treatment of rats with ACTH resulted in a decrease in AT2 receptor binding from 766 +/- 95 to 310 +/- 51 fmol/mg protein (P < 0.05), without significant changes in AT1 receptors. AT2 receptor mRNA was also decreased (18 +/- 2%, of control, P < 0.05; 25+/-7% of control, P < 0.05) after both 2 and 7 day treatment with ACTH. Changes in AT1a receptor mRNA or total AT1 mRNA did not reach statistical significance. Moreover, treatment with dexamethasone or aldosterone did not affect AT1a, AT1b, or AT2 mRNA. These results demonstrate that ACTH treatment results in subtype-specific changes in adrenal AT receptor gene expression in vivo.