Purpose: We report our clinical experience with Behçet's syndrome and bladder involvement.
Materials and methods: From April 1991 through July 1996, 7 men and 1 woman 25 to 53 years old with Behçet's syndrome were evaluated for lower urinary tract symptoms (7) or hematuria (1). Of 8 patients 5 had neurological involvement. Evaluation consisted of history, physical examination, urinalysis and urine culture, excretory urography, urodynamic studies, urethrocystoscopy, bladder biopsies and histopathological examination.
Results: Cystoscopy revealed bladder ulcer in 1 patient and an indurated, hypervascular lesion in another with bilateral hydronephrosis. The most common urodynamic finding was detrusor overactivity. Of 4 patients with poor compliance 1 had additional sphincteric deficiency. Common histopathological features were moderate and marked thickening of bladder vessel walls. Lymphocytic vascular reaction was present in 2 patients and lymphocytic vasculitis in 1. Clamshell augmentation ileocystoplasty was performed in 3 patients, including 1 who also underwent a sphincter enhancement procedure. The remaining 5 patients received various nonsurgical treatment.
Conclusions: Various types of voiding dysfunction relating to bladder and sphincteric components in both phases of micturition can be seen in Behçet's syndrome. Voiding dysfunction can be due to either neurological or direct bladder involvement. Augmentation ileocystoplasty is a good treatment option for Behçet's syndrome with severe bladder involvement.