Fluence perturbation of secondary electrons from clinical proton beams (50-250 MeV) by thin high-Z planar interfaces was studied with Monte Carlo simulations. Starting from monoenergetic proton pencil beams, proton depth doses and proton fluence spectra were calculated, both in homogeneous water and near thin high-Z interfaces by using the proton transport Monte Carlo code PTRAN. This code was modified extensively to enable modelling of proton transport in non-homogeneous geometries. From the proton fluence spectra in water and in the interface materials, electron generation spectra were calculated analytically and were then used as input for an electron transport calculation with the Monte Carlo code EGS4/PRESTAII to obtain electron doses and electron fluence spectra. The interface materials used in the study were graphite, Al, Ti, Cu, Sn and Au. We found significant electron fluence perturbations on both sides of the planar interfaces, resulting in an electron dose increase upstream and a decrease downstream from the interfaces, with the magnitude of the effect depending strongly on the atomic number of the interface. For the most extreme case studied, 250 MeV protons and a gold interface, we obtained an electron dose increase of 41% upstream of the interface and a decrease of 15% downstream with both perturbations having a spatial extent of about 700 microm. The total dose perturbation due to this effect amounts to a 5% increase upstream and a 2% decrease downstream. A detailed analysis of dose and fluence perturbation is presented for a wide range of materials and proton energies.