Plasma hydrolysis of leucine enkephalin was studied in a group of patients affected by seasonal allergic asthma in acute and quiescent stage; data were compared with those obtained from a control group of healthy volunteers. Results obtained indicate a statistically significant reduction of leu-enkephalin hydrolysis in allergic subjects. In the quiescent stage, substrate degradation is reduced, and the pattern of the hydrolysis by-products is modified with respect to normal controls. In the acute stage, hydrolysis is further reduced, and the pattern of the hydrolysis by-products is further modified with respect to the quiescent stage. The variations of leu-enkephalin hydrolysis appear to be controlled by decreased activity of proteolytic enzymes and by increased activity of the low-molecular-weight plasma inhibitors active on these enzymes. The sum of these processes is conducive to a distribution of enkephalin-hydrolyzing enzymes, as well as a hydrolysis pattern, that appears to be specific for the allergic subjects and distinct from that seen in the controls.
Copyright 1999 Academic Press.