Transforming growth factor-beta1 (TGF-beta1) is a critical cytokine for cell proliferation and differentiation. It is secreted by many cells in a latent pro-form (LTGF-beta1) from which biologically active TGF-beta1 is released by an in vivo mechanism that is not known. Here we show that the mannose-6-phosphate/insulin-like growth factor II-receptor (M6P/IGFII-R), which binds LTGF-beta1, complexes with urokinase (plasminogen activator)-receptor (uPA-R) on the surface of human monocytes and directly binds plasminogen (Plg). Plasmin generated from Plg in the complex mediates release of TGF-beta1 when M6P/IGFII-R is associated with uPA-R. Thus, this interaction of M6P/IGFII-R and uPA-R suggests a potential mechanism for the generation of TGF-beta1 by cells.