Objective: To assess mortality related to rupture of abdominal aortic aneurysm (RAAA).
Design: A 4-year cross-sectional study based on a nationwide vascular registry Finnvasc and national cause-of-death registry (Statistics Finland).
Materials and methods: A total of 454 operations for RAAA among 11,747 surgical vascular reconstructions recorded in the Finnvasc registry and 1004 deaths due to RAAA during the same period based on Statistics Finland.
Results: The operative mortality rate was 49% based on the Finnvasc registry and 54% based on Statistics Finland. With all RAAA deaths at hospitals included, total hospital mortality was 68%. No association existed between hospital volume of RAAA operations and surgical mortality, although an inverse association did exist between hospital volume of RAAA operations and all RAAA deaths in the hospital (p = 0.01). The case fatality for RAAA in Finland was 80%.
Conclusions: RAAA surgical mortality calculations for RAAA, based on a vascular registry, underestimate the true rate because some cases with fatal outcome tend to escape registration. Because surgical mortality rates may also be skewed by patient selection, total hospital RAAA mortality thus represents the results of RAAA treatment more accurately.