The objective of this study was to describe the use of the lymph node revealing solution (LNRS) for rapid fixation of total cystectomy specimens, and to compare it with formalin fixation. LNRS is a mixture of 95% ethanol, diethyl ether, glacial acetic acid and buffered formalin (65:20:5:10 v/v) prepared under a fume-hood. Sixteen consecutive cystectomy specimens were fixed for two hours either in LNRS or in buffered formalin. Representative sections were embedded in paraffin, sectioned and stained with H&E, periodic acid Schiff, alcian-blue, and immunostained for cytokeratins 20, high and low molecular weight cytokeratins, prostatic specific antigen, Factor VIII related antigen, s-100 protein, and protein kinase C isoenzymes. Results showed that the tissues were well fixed after 2 hours in LNRS, and were not fixed after 2 hours in formalin. Processing and sectioning of the paraffin blocks of the LNRS fixed tissue was excellent; it was impossible in the sections fixed for 2 hours in formalin. All the stains were excellent after LNRS fixation. We conclude that fixation of cystectomy specimens in LNRS requires only two hours and results in excellent stained slides. It is therefore recommended for cystectomy specimens.