One hundred years after Yersin discovered Yersinia pestis during the plague epidemic in Hong Kong in 1894, human plague still has not been eliminated. The epidemic in 1994 in India, a country where no cases had been observed since 1996, raised great concern. Plague is an epizootic bacterial infection caused by a Gram negative coccobacillus, Y. pestis, transmitted by the bite of infected fleas. Bubonic plague is the most common form. Other clinical presentations include asymptomatic plague, abortive plague, pharyngeal plague, septicemic plague, meningeal plague, and primary or secondary pneumonic plague which is observed in 5 to 20% of cases. Plague is a highly communicable disease between humans despite antibiotic therapy which has reduced mortality by 80%. The prognosis depends on early diagnosis. Streptomycin and cyclines are the gold standard treatment.