However, while a joint venture may be "safe" from antitrust challenge, it is not without some practical difficulties, especially with respect to consolidating services at one location or jointly offering services provided at multiple facilities. These practical concerns include: 1. Who will exercise operational management of the joint venture? 2. How will the joint venture deal with different pricing for services that will be provided at multiple locations? 3. What criteria will be used to decide the location at which consolidated tertiary services will be offered? 4. In what circumstances can the joint venture be unwound, either in its entirety or as to discrete functions? When clinical services have been consolidated at one location, there is an appropriate concern by the other hospital that it will be unable to provide or re-enter the market for those services if the joint venture dissolves. These operational concerns, of course, are not addressed in the Consent Decree. Thus, even if a joint venture relationship survives antitrust scrutiny, the parties must still negotiate and resolve these operational issues in order for the joint venture to be viable.